Wednesday, June 5, 2013

Cookies and Cream Puppy Chow

I didn't really have a reason for making this particular item. My man and I were going on a trip and I wanted to take along a sweet snack. I also happened to have Chex cereal (when don't I, really?) and Oreos sounded really good.

Oreos sounded *really* good.

So I went and bought a bag.

And then the trip got postponed before I made the puppy chow, so I started eating the Oreos and by the time we actually went on the trip a few weeks later, I had to go buy another bag of Oreos.

Sad day? Only for my wallet.

I followed the directions exactly, except for perhaps the type of chocolate chips. I used a combination of milk chocolate and semi-sweet because, first, I had both types, and second, I didn't want the sweet to be any more overwhelming than it was already on track to be.

So I made the mix. And I packaged up most of it to go to Gatlinburg.

I didn't try it until we got to Gatlinburg.

Where I found that it satisfied a need for something sweet, but didn't really taste anything like Oreos. Unless you got a bit of cookie. I think I should have added more cookies.

I feel no need to make this again.

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