Thursday, July 12, 2012

Gorgonzola Garlic Bread

We are all familiar, by now, with my love of coupons.

Sometimes, I go a little crazy with them. But it's fine! Because the food gets eaten. Or the items get gifted. (My Christmas shopping routinely starts in June because that's when the Main Library has their used book sale, fyi.)

Anyway, I had this coupon for Stouffer's lasanga. I knew it was good because my uncle has actually served it for Christmas dinner. And I knew there would be a day when all I felt like cooking for dinner was a side and dessert.

So I bought the smallest size allowed with my coupon (which still fed 6-8 people) and stuck it in my freezer.

Until the other week, when I decided I wanted to make gorgonzola garlic bread. I mean, really, all I needed was the bread. How could I not make it?

Cheese and butter. Nothing better.
Now, I couldn't find a loaf at my local market that was long and narrow like the picture, and I really wish I had because I think that would have made the bread to butter ration better. But the only loaf that were long and skinny were those take and bake ones, and I didn't know if I could trust that. I will next time.

Unimpressive looking loaf.
Anyway, I followed the directions exactly. Including not slicing all the way through the bread. That made it tough later, and I'll probably clise all the way through next time.

I did mix in some of that basil puree I still have, because the directions said it was optional, and I need to use up that tube.

I put the bread in the oven, but I think both the time and the temperature were off since the lasanga was in there, too.

Tasty bread.
The bread turned out well. It's hard to evenly distribute the cheese and butter mixture when the slices were still attached to the loaf, so some spots had significantly more flavor than others, but that can be fixed for the next time.

We all liked it, and it did all right when I reheated it two nights later to go with the leftover lasanga. 

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