Saturday, March 31, 2012

Corn with bacon and scallions

The foodies aren't kidding when they say, "Everything is better with bacon."

I wanted to try this recipe of Martha Stewart's because I really do love corn, although I think it's best on the cob. I've got variations of that I want to try, too...

Anyway, I've wanted to make this for a couple of weeks and my boyfriend was coming to dinner. He'll eat whatever you make for him even if he doesn't like it, although he's very honest in telling you he doesn't like it. He about choked on balsamic vinaigrette once, but went back for another bite of that Romaine.

I had all the ingredients for this side, although my corn was frozen. I tell you, I don't think I'll ever buy canned corn again. Not that I bought it in the first place, but my mom always had it in her house. And frozen corn is just so much better.

Martha's corn

I cut the recipe in half since there would only be two of us. Well, I just most of it in half. Instead of going from four slices of bacon to two, I went to three. See first sentence.

I wasn't quite sure what Martha leant when she said 1-inch strips. It seemed like a very big piece of bacon compared to the size of the corn and scallions. So I just cut it as you see the in the picture.

Now, as much as I love bacon, I hate making bacon. I always burn myself with popping oil. Luckily, since the bacon was sliced up, I could move it around with a spoon while I tried to protect myself with the splatter guard. It worked, for the most part.

My corn.

The corn turned out very well. The corn itself still had that fresh pop, the scallion leant some brightness, and the bacon made it smoky and salty. Actually, it could have used a little more salt, but it was still really good.

Which I find curious. I like bacon, but I don't generally liked smoked things. But I enjoyed this. Oh well.

My boyfriend liked the bacon part. He find corn inconvenient to eat. 

Conclusion: Make it again, but for a crowd. Try thick-cut bacon? And buy some Kosher or sea salt, for crap's sake.

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