Friday, March 23, 2012

Peanut Butter Crunch Cake

After my flop that was the toffee-apple upside down cake, I knew I needed to improve my recipe choice.

I found this recipe...well, I think I tore it out of a cookbook Mom was going to throw away. See, sometimes I don't feel the need to keep an entire cookbook/magazine/what-have-you. I'll just keep the recipes I want.

And this one was a good one to keep.

What is was supposed to look like. Because I always have a picnic basket on the table when I'm eating cake...
First, I love any cake recipe that doesn't make me combine my own dry ingredients. I love using a box mix and improving it.

Also, I love peanut butter desserts.

So I made this the night before I had my friends over for dinner. It didn't take long to prepare at all, although chopping peanuts was a bit of a pain.

I eyeballed the peanut butter and chocolate chips. I used a 1/3-cup scoop and filled it most of the way.

Not as pretty, but sure was tasty.
I always try, when there is crumbly toping, to get the topping everywhere. I might not have bothered. The middle was the best no matter what. It was moist and delicious and tasted like a peanut butter cookie. No one had anything bad to say about it. And most of it got eaten when I took the leftovers from dinner in to work.

Conclusion: More chocolate chips.

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