Monday, May 7, 2012

Prosciutto and Cheddar Sandwich

I thoroughly enjoy cured meats. The only one I'm at all familiar with is salami, unfortunately, but I'm trying to change that.

I bought some prosciutto when I was out at Jungle Jim's hunting for green apple soda.

I didn't know what I was going to do with it, but I knew I wanted to try it.

Then, going through my Pinterest broad, I found this recipe from Martha.

Looks like I was thinking ahead.

Martha's look so pretty.
What made it even better was that I could pack up the parts and take them to work to assemble for lunch there.


So after my dinner of grilled cheeses, I put white cheddar, sourdough bread and prosciutto in separate baggies for my lunch the next day. I also happen to keep all the condiments I'm given whenever I get drive through or take out (not nearly as much, thank goodness, since I started this blog), so I had a couple packets of brown mustard to pack, too.

I toasted the bread, spread on one packet of the brown mustard, put on the white cheddar cheese and the prosciutto.

It was...m'eh.

I liked the prosciutto on it's own. But I think the combination of the cured meat and sharp cheese and strong mustard just didn't work out.

I'll buy proscuitto again. I don't think I'll make this sandwich again.

Conclusion: Make sure your camera battery is charged. See if the local grocery store carries prosciutto.

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