Wednesday, August 1, 2012

PAMA Bay Breeze

I was paging through my behemoth on a Tuesday. The day before my weekly dinners. I kept thinking to myself, "I should make a dessert." But it was hot. And I was tired and didn't feel like baking.

Screw dessert, I thought. I'll make an adult beverage.

I had just bought a pack of small can of pineapple juice (because I had a coupon) that I figured would be good for making alcoholic beverages. I mean, the least expensive containers of pineapple juice are usually those cans you have to pop a hole in, and how are those supposed to stay fresh? I like pineapple juice, but it has more sugar than I want to drink in a sitting. Hence the smaller cans.

So I paging through the behemoth and see all those recipe I snagged from the little booklet around the PAMA pomegranate liquor bottle neck. One of those was for PAMA Bay Breeze. It had the PAMA, pineapple juice and cranberry juice. Well, hells bells, all I needed was the actual liquor!

So I went and bought it. Yes, I know after the other couple of drinks, I said that it wasn't worth buying especially. But it's just so easy! I already had everything else!

I mixed everything in my pitcher before my friends arrived. Then all I had to do was pour.

I'd say I need prettier glasses, but I have no room for more glassware.
We liked it. It needed ice, or better yet lemon-lime soda, but it was good. Just a little too concentrated.

And so much easier than making dessert.

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