Thursday, August 30, 2012

Aunt Karen's Pound Cake

Now this is less a recipe and more an improvement.

We would go camping at least twice a year when I was younger, and we usually went with some Metz cousins. By usually, I mean it was rare if we weren't camping with my mother's twin brother and his family, and sometimes other brothers and their families came, too.

Now, I have no idea if Aunt Karen came up with this, but I have always associated her with this. Just like I can't not think of her when I eat M&Ms. Or Lorna Doones.

Anyway, this is another dish that reminds me of Aunt Karen, and I don't even know if she's the one who came up with it, or if she's just the one who always brought the pound cake.

The aunts coordinated things pretty well on our camping trips. Maybe synchronized is a better word.

So. What you do, is you go buy a frozen pound cake. A couple brands make them, I think, but I had a coupon for Sara Lee, so that's the kind I got. Make sure to get the butter one, not the lemon one.

Then, you make sure to thaw it. This is where I went wrong. I left if in my fridge over night, then on the counter for a bit, but it was evidently still frozen in the middle when I did this.

You put a whole mess of butter or margarine on top, then pack on some brown sugar.

Then bake.

You can tell my brown sugar was too clumpy, but you get the idea.
Here's where it gets dodgy. I have no idea how long you're supposed to put it in the oven. I put mine in until the brown sugar was melted, and then another few minutes, but it was cold when I sliced it. (I put it in the microwave for about 10 seconds to take care of that.) It also wasn't as moist as I remember.

So. I think the first thing that went wrong is that I didn't cook this by wrapping it in foil and throwing it in a camp fire. The secong thing, more butter. The third thing, more time. Or thaw it better.

But when this is good, it's oh so very good.


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