Saturday, October 6, 2012

7-Up Biscuits

So, when I pinned the recipe for 7-Up biscuits, I didn't click through to look at the recipe. I know, we've been over this, it's a bad idea.


When I went to the recipe to find the directions (the ingredients were listed in the comments), there was nothing. It was one of those dump pages when a website has been taken down and they put up ads in its place.

So I searched Pinterest for a pin of 7-Up biscuits that actually had a recipe. I found one. The pictures looked nothing alike. But I had already settled on it, so I was going to make the darn biscuits.

And then I made the darn biscuits, following the directions exactly. The only thing I had trouble with was dividing them up equally after they had been mixed. But I did alright.

I wish I could say the same for the biscuits.

If you like what my mother always called Drop Biscuits, you will like these. Crumbly consistancy, more like a cake donut than bread. If, however, you are like me, and don't like that type of biscuit, you will not like these. See, that first picture made the biscuits look really yeasty and poofy. And obviously that was not the case.

I won't be making these again.

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