Saturday, April 28, 2012

Strawberry Cake Cookies

I love any cookie recipe that starts out with a box of cake mix.

My favorite is definitely my mother's chocolate cake cookies. With peanut butter chips. And the recipe always makes me giggle because you bake the cookies until the edges start turning brown. But they start brown. Since they are chocolate.

So I found this recipe on Pinterest and thought they were pretty, so decided to make them. The first time I read the recipe through, I was confused because I thought they were supposed to be strawberry lemonade cookies. Turns out, that's a cake.

Definitely not a cake.
So I had to buy the cake mix and the coconut for this recipe. Luckily, I carry my coupons with me all the time (because I'm crazy) and it turns out I had a coupon for Duncan Hines cake mix. Fantastic! Because Duncan Hines strawberry cake mix was the only strawberry cake mix I saw.

I'm not the biggest fan of coconut. Although I do love me some coconut macaroons. But this recipe only called for a cup. I figured it was more for texture than flavor, so I decided not to skip the coconut.

Not as pretty as the original, but super tasty.
These cookies are great. The coconut does indeed add some chewy texture. There is a buttery-ness at the end that keeps them from being too sweet. Sure, mine don't look as pretty as the picture, but I don't own a cookie dough scoop.

Conclusion: Yum! And ruminate on what chips could be added.

PS -- I'm finally caught up after missing a post during Easter! Although I'm sure no one noticed.

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