Friday, April 6, 2012

Vodka-thyme lemonade

Sometimes, I don't feel like baking.

That's usually when I make an adult beverage instead of dessert.

I wanted to try something super different, so I decided to make Martha's vodka-thyme lemonade. Yes, Martha and I really are on a first name basis, now.

I don't have a picther that pretty.
The first thing I worried about was not getting enough of the herb flavor. I have noted that problem with the lavender pound cake.

I need not have worried about the thyme.

I cut the recipe in half since I wasn't sure if we would like it and there would only be three of us. I made the simple syrup the night before because I knew I would not have time to make it AND let it cool before my friends were to show up for dinner.

The thyme smell did not overwhelm my kitchen, but the syrup definitely turned out smelling a little pine-like. And delicious.

I was running late getting home from work, so the lemonade was not prepared when my first friend arrived. I put her in charge of amking it.

And then neglected to tell her I had cut the recipe in half.

Luckily, she thought two cups of vodka seemed like way too much, so she only put in a cup and a half. It should have been one cup.

Yummy. I even garnished it.
I also had a lemon available, so she zested a little bit of that. And by a little bit, I mean a lot of zest.

I used lemon juice from a bottle because I was not about the juice 24 lemons. That's just crazy talk.

The recipe didn't call for any extra water, which I thought was odd, but we went with it. We just put in a bunch of ice.

We all thought the drink was marvelous. The thyme added something without being overwhelming. It was too tart and too lemony-strong for me at the end, but water fixed that up real nice.

Conclusion: Make sure to tell someone if you've halved a recipe. We will probably make this again.

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