Monday, April 23, 2012

Trying Again: Peanut Butter-Chocolate Chip Oatmeal Cookies

We all remember my disasterous cookies that turned out more like brittle.

Or at least I do.

My boyfriend is going on a road trip this weekend, so I decided to make him cookies for his journey. I decided to try these cookies again, first, because I had all the ingredients, and second, because I feel less bad making him sweets when I throw in oatmeal.

I remembered what went do wrong last time and made sure to use regular butter. Which I left out to soften while I made and ate my dinner.

I cut the recipe in half and measured everything exactly, except the flour. Because I don't have a 1/6 cup. So I eyeballed that.

When I mixed everything up, it still seemed really wet, so I sprinkled in a little more flour.

That was probably unneccesary, but I did it anyway. I'm just paranoid.

Look! They look like cookies!
The cookies didn't turn out like brittle, as they did last time. Which it good. But they did turn out crunchier than my other oatmeal cookies. Which isn't bad, but isn't preferrable.

My man liked them, and that's really all that matters.

Conclusion: Trust the recipe.

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