Thursday, April 11, 2013

Pineapple Orange Blossoms

I've started couponing. (Don't worry, that's relevant.) So when I see coupons lying around in the grocery store, I generally pick them up.

Much to the dismay of my friend who thinks it's really nice that they're left behind for someone else. I've read too many blogs in which couponers are warned to not leave coupons behind on the shelves because it creates more work for the people cleaning and stocking the grocery store. Not to mention, if you leave them in the frozen section and they fall, they can damage the drain system.

Not cool.

I generally file them with all my coupons and when I don't use them and they expire, I send them to someone who donates them to military families. Did you know the military commissary takes coupons up to six months expired? Yeah, I send all my expired coupons their way.

Anyway, so I'm at Target, checking out the price on Glade candles, when I see a coupon booklet. A whole, Target Easter coupon booklet that someone has left behind on the shelf.

Of course, I take it.

Glad I did, too, because I found a recipe I decided to make for Easter.

Mom was hosting this year, and I told her (before she started assigning things) that I was bringing something sweet.

Specifically, pineapple orange blossoms.

I had already purchased the cinnamon rolls, which were a steal at Target (on sale for $1.66 a tube, 40c off manufacturer coupon, 80c off Target coupon, so $2.12 for two tubes). The only thing I needed to buy was orange marmelade. Yes, I do keep crushed pineapple in my pantry. What?

I drained the pineapple in one of my new mesh strainers instead of on paper towels, but other than that, I believe I followed the recipe exactly. I let them bake a the whole time the recipe estimated because when I opened the over the first time, the dough just didn't look done enough.

I took them to Easter, created a label, and let the family have at them.

I thought they were all right. Not something I need to make again. They weren't necessarily bad, I'm just not the biggest fan of cream cheese in my breakfast pastires, so matter how often I try. And, the whole time I was eating one, I just kept thinking, "I wish this were just a plain cinnamon roll."

My family all liked them though. I think Mom sent some of the leftovers home with an uncle. (I doubled the batch, but there were so many coffee cakes, it looked like some people were taking just half of one to try it.)

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